Info2Go Prototype

You’re working at a Starbucks enjoying your coffee and unpredictable Wifi. You happen to be an adjunct Creative Writing professor, grading your last paper. You realize you still have 2 hours before your next class. Wouldn’t it be great to make good use of that time, while helping others? Now you can!

Info2Go is a new way to locate experienced professionals willing to act as advisors in your local area to answer questions, exchange services, or find a new networking contact.

This is a conceptual prototype built in Justinmind to give the user a working model.

Once opening the app, the user will pick a category that their question or service pertains to. GPS technology will present all of the advisors available in their area, their location, and when they are available until. When an advisor is selected, their profile will be presented with their experience and credentials. The user will then be able to request a meet or send a message.


The Advisor Match is the advisor profile site linked to the Info2Go app to read about their credentials, past projects, and demographics.



Info2Go Prototype

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